Bon Jour! Ryan had a very busy day today. The kids were back in St. Hyacinthe again today. This morning they worked specifically at a four way stop interesection and making sure the dogs stayed within the lines of the crosswalk. Pretty important! They returned back to campus a little early so they could have their pictures made for their guide dog identification. It is official; Ryan is a card carrying owner of his own guide dog! AND he was wearing a blue clemson hat and blue shirt for his picture! Mama's happy!
This afternoon, they worked on a new route and Ryan tells me it was a tough one. He was told to do a route which was quite long and consisted of several different crossings and which would bring him to a particular restaurant that he was to enter at the end of his route. Ryan told me that he completed the route without complication and when he entered the restaurant at the end he was greeted with a huge hug from Elan. He said he was very proud of himself and his dog.
After dinner, the head trainer, Karen and Mira's veterinarian spoke with the kids about taking care of their dogs.They discussed shots, bathing, cleaning ears, clipping nails, brushing, feeding, etc. When they were done, Karen gave each child their dog's papers, including their birthdates and shot records. Ryan and I were wondering about his dog's birthdate. Looks like the Uhles have added May 19th to our family's list of birthday celebrations! Ryan's dog is 2 years and 2 months old. :)
Bob and his God son, Jordan, took myself and the other parents into Montreal for lunch. What a beautiful city!! We didn't get to spend much time sight seeing so I am going to go back now that I (somewhat) know how to get into Old Monteal and spend a day there. I want to be able to give Mike and the kids a tour when they arrive next week. YAY!! Oh, how I miss my family!!! Four more days!!!
Here are a few pictures of Montreal. More tomorrow; Au voir!!
Bob and Devon. This dog attracts more attention than J-Lo! Everyone wanted to pet him (sorry, not allowed) and several people took pictures of him. Look at that face! Bob looks good too.... :)
The article in the church newsletter should help with how people react to the dog, but it really is going to be hard. He's so cute! Glad everything's going well!