Well, I think we are ready! We have prepared Ryan's room for his new room-mate, packed our bags, and lined up child care for Natalie and Jared over the next 3 weeks while Mike is at work (thank Goodness for our parents!) We have also tried to emotionally prepare ourselves, and especially our current dog Beau for our new arrival! Beau has been showered with love and affection for the past several weeks. He probably knows somethings up!
While this blog up this point has been composed primarily by me (Keisha), from this point on, it will be written by Ryan. Our intention is for our friends and family to share in this experience from Ryan's perspective. I purchased one of those handy dandy pocket video cameras that will allow me to *easily* add pictures and videos (fingers crossed). I will, however, occasionally add some things from time to time; I'm going to be up there for an entire month, what else am I going to do!!
Mike, Natalie and Jared will be meeting Ryan and I in Montreal for the last week in training. Mike and I felt it was important to include Natalie and Jared in this experience as much as possible as they will be impacted greatly. They are making some enormous sacrifices on Ryan's behalf and allowing them to participate in the experience will, hopefully, allow them some ownership in the process. Sounds like a whole lot of mumbo jumbo, but in the end, we just want everyone to be happy about this decision!
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